
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

How to get your toddler to SMILE for the camera

Getting McKenna to sit still long enough for a picture is hard enough...getting her to smile for me is nearly impossible most of the time but she has finally gotten to the age where this little trick actually works. This is pretty much how the conversation went and the pictures correspond...

"Hey McKenna." Picture 1 (getting her attention)
"What is that you have there?" Picture 2 (looking at her fire truck)
"Oh I's a hot dog!" Picture 3 (laughing at my dumb guess)
*I go through a series dumb guess that really get her going Picture 4 (head back in hilarity)

Tickling (or the threat of tickles) was a good trick when she was younger and the tried and true..."Don't you smile! Don't you do it! You better stop it!" They just can't resist that one.

Bribes are also a great incentive although the smiles aren't always as genuine.

Do you have any great tricks for getting your children to smile in pictures? Any favorite stuffed animals or noise toys to recommend? I'd love to hear about it!

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